The Crider Family

The Crider Family

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Growing up no child in their right mind thinks "one day I want to go to court and try and prove my mom is an unfit parent..." Well this is where I am now. As of last Tuesday my sister, my husband, and myself became the emergency temporary guardians of my three youngest siblings (17, 9, & 6). We go back to court on November 20 at 9:30 am to see if we can determine permanency. Its not that I doubt that my mother loves her kids but she needs some serious help. There are two different dads to the kids, Ryan's (17) dad says as long as Ryan is happy he is fine with him living with me, and Megan's (9) and Jason's (6) dad is in jail until December 1 but says he wants to kids to remain with me. So this is good news. Have I mention how wonderful my husband has been...the night we got the kids he rushed to the store and got "kid" groceries and brought home pizza for them to eat, picked up the kids early and got them hair cuts, and has stepped right up in preparing the house to keep the kids here as long as we need. All I can do is pray that everything goes God's way. I know that if my mom gets the kids back that I will never be able to see them again.

My mom is very spiteful and vindictive she says things just to hurt you. When she found out that I had been granted guardianship she told me that Heather, my sister, and I were no longer her daughters, that I couldn't have children of my own so I was taking hers, and last but not least when she kills herself it would be on my head. Lovely things for a "mother" to say to her oldest child.

Okay enough ranting...the kids are doing great and we are getting into a better routine each day. I love these kids more than anything and can't stand the thought of losing them forever. So please just pray that everything works out according to God's plans.



1 comment:

Fether said...

Wow girl...that's alot to deal with! I am not suprised one bit about your hubby!! We knew you had great taste (hehe). So sorry for the family stresses. we will be praying.