The Crider Family

The Crider Family

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dear baby...

Today you are 8 weeks 3 days old. I am so excited every time I think about this Thanksgiving. We don't know for sure if you will be here by that exact day but some time around then. So far I haven't been sick at all. Just really tired everyday. Your daddy is so understanding with me in all my moodiness and taking over our bed with all my pillows just trying to comfortable. Your daddy is so excited he keeps asking when we can go register for stuff and I have to remind him that we should probably wait till we find out if you are a boy or a girl. lol He also wants to buy a "Baby on Board" sign for the new mini van. He is so funny. Just wait he will have you laughing in no time. You already have so many people that love you and can't wait to meet you! Your daddy and me have wanted and prayed for you for many years and are just so excited to meet you and watch you grow!

7 months seems like a long time but I know it will pass by before I know it!

Can't wait to meet you!
Love always and forever,
Your Mommy

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