The Crider Family

The Crider Family

Friday, January 30, 2009

Tag im it!!

Ok Fether tagged me...So if I go to the 4th picture in the 4th folder on my computer it is...

This is me and my sister Heather being goofy at Woodard park. This was taken back in 2001! One of my very best friends took this for us!

Ok I tag Heather, Paisley, and Mallory...Let's see what you got!

Love always,


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Some pictures and a court update...

Here are some of the family pictures we took this fall. There are quite a few so I hope you enjoy!
This is Ryan. I can't believe he is a senior.

This is Little man Jason. Love him to pieces!

This one we call the more bars in more places! lol

This is just a fun family pic of all of us and my two other sisters.

This is Miss Megan(sorry its sideways couldn't get it to rotate)

This is me and JD. Aren't we cute!?

Me, Cheri, and Heather (my dad's girls)

This is all my mom's kids including my hubby.
This was our Christmas card this year.

We are the guardians of my three youngest siblings!! Went to court yesterday afternoon and we were all prepared to have to get up and testify against my mother. Well God was definitely looking out for us in that my mother agreed to undergo a drug and alcohol assessment and a domestic violence assessment. Then we go back to court on February 6 to see what the assessments say she needs to do to get the kids back. Not only does she have to do this so does her current husband. They both have to do the assessments and follow the recommendations in order to have the kids returned. The kids dad was there with us to testify against her if we needed. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME!!!!
Thanks for all the love and support!
Love always,